Return Policy
You can return any defective/damaged products delivered in such condition and we will exchange or process a refund in five working days, however the refund will not be given in cash but can be used to buy/purchase the same good or something else of equivalent value.
The following items are NOT returnable:
Edible food products (including all petal & luster dusts, sprinkles, fillings, flavorings, cake mixes, colorings, etc.), pre-made gumpaste flowers and decorations, gold and silver leaf and sprinkles, royal/hard icing decorations,
Acrylic cupcake and cake stands, bulk orders, air brushes, cake dummies, chocolate transfer sheets,
All edible images, transfer sheets, discounted items, seasonal items and special orders
All discontinued and clearance merchandise.
While seeking to return an item, the customer need to raise an alert with us within 3 days from the date of delivery for being eligible for the return, refund or exchange
The product requiring exchange, refund or return should be received by us within 5 working days of the date of delivery in order to be eligible for the same.
We retain the rights to examine whether the product returned is defective/damaged and based on the verification Topserve Ltd will either re-deliver/replace or refund the product/money to the customer.
In case product is defective or damaged, Topserve Ltd will replace and resend the product to the customer address subject to the availability of the stock of the product.
In case the returned product is not defective/damaged then the customer will be informed about the same and the same product will be resent to the address of the order.
The customer is responsible for sending charges for replaced/re-sent product.
If the product stock is unavailable then a request for the refund will be initiated and the same shall be informed to the customer